Trip to See the Eclipse, 2024
And Sightseeing in Texas
After seeing the eclipse in Chile, we wanted to view the one coming through the US as well. The eclipse was going to pass through northern New England, only a drive of a few hours to see. However, there was a reasonable chance that the skies in New England would be cloudy on that day. Statistically, at that time of the year, it was sunnier in Texas than in Vermont, so we booked a trip to Texas to see the eclipse.
On the other hand, the weather didn't care squat about statistics. When eclipse-day rolled around, it turned out that the skies over New England were pretty sunny, while the skies over Texas were rather cloudy. This caused more than a little concern.
We picked a trip to San Antonio as that seemed like the most interesting place to spend time other than on eclipse-day. This turned out to be the right call.
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